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Using the eKegel
The eKegel is extremely effective at treating problems that stem from a weak pelvic floor, such as ED or incontinence. So to the extent that the condition is caused by a weak pelvic floor, the eKegel will certainly help. We can't guarantee results, but the eKegel will make pelvic floor muscles stronger so that all related conditions will improve.
Nonetheless, we offer a full 30-day moneyback guarantee. We will issue you a full refund if for any reason you are not satisfied with the eKegel during that trial period. We just ask that you send us back the eKegel using a prepaid label that we send you. The return process is completely hassle-free.
Absolutely not. Using the eKegel is completely pain-free. The intensity setting should be increased until the muscle contractions are felt strongly but comfortably. The treatment protocol is also very light, requiring about 3 to 4 daily sessions per week. A daily session is up to 10 minutes.
The eKegel is very easy to use. There are 2 sticky gel pads to connect to the skin before turning the device on.
You apply the perineum pad by squatting a bit and lifting your scrotum to make sure the pad is applied flat on the perineum. Then the coccyx pad simply goes on your lower back at an angle, pointing down.
The eKegel is meant for trial and customization so that each man can get exactly what he needs out of it. Much like a regular workout routine, you want to feel strong contractions but absolutely never with pain, and have the proper resting periods so that your muscles can repair and grow.
The eKegel 2 is already optimized to produce the deepest contraction. You just have to increase the intensity and frequency to your liking.
For the eKegel 1, the following settings are fairly common and should work well for most users.
Start by setting the wave type to square. The wave type is the shape of the electrical current from off to on. In the case of the square wave, you are essentially looking at a current that goes from 0% to 100% immediately, and then goes back to 0% immediately. In contrast, the sine wave, for example, rises to 100% progressively and then returns to 0% progressively. The square wave type will give you the longest time at 100%.
Next, set the pulse width to max (10/10). The pulse width will affect how deep you feel the contractions. The greater the pulse width, the deeper the contraction.
Next, set the frequency to about 6 out of 10. That's a personal preference, you could start lower if you'd like.
Lastly, increase the intensity to get a strong contraction, but you don't want to get into the uncomfortable zone. Usually, setting the intensity at about 7 or 8 works for most. Again, the objective is to feel the strongest contraction without discomfort. At this level, some men will see the base of their penis rise slightly with each contraction, but it's not something in itself to look for. What's key is just getting the muscles to contract.
As for the routine, it will progress with time as your muscles become stronger. In the first 6-8 weeks, you probably want to use the eKegel for a daily 10 minutes sessions about 3-4 times per week. In the beginning, you may need more resting periods than later in the process because your muscles are not as strong as they will be. Eventually, you could go to 4-5 times a week. However, there is a point where you will have noticed significant improvement in ED or incontinence issues. For incontinence, you will feel better bladder emptying and control, for ED, you might start noticing spontaneous erections along with morning erections. That's a sign that the mechanic is fully functioning.
At this stage, you may only use the eKegel once a week or as needed for tune-ups. Since the gains you will notice will come from stronger muscles, some tune-ups as needed will make sure that you can rely on this new muscle strength all your life!
You can use the eKegel laying down. We recommend the standing position because it allows to do other things during the 10 minutes session, like making coffee and breakfast in the morning.
However, we discourage the sitting position as it stretches you pelvic muscles a bit compared to the standing position. Stimulating a muscle that is stretched is not recommended.
The best way to use the eKegel is the way that is most comfortable and effective for you. As long as it provides you with the opportunity to workout with the eKegel 3-4 times a week, and the contractions are felt well, then you should stick to it, especially if standing is challenging.
Progress can be noticed in the first few weeks, with a near-full recovery expected after 6 to 8 weeks.
The eKegel can then be used infrequently and as needed for a lifetime of tune-ups to keep the muscles strong.
The pads can be used for weeks at a time. The key is to keep them clean and moist. As such, it's important to place the pads onto the pads carrier once you are done so that they don't dry out to air. However, even if the pads are a bit dry or dirty, you can always get them back to stick by wiping them clean with a damp cloth. Also, please note that the eKegel already comes with 4 counts of each pad (perineum and coccyx), which should last you months, especially if well taken care of.
The eKegel should absolutely help with ED. Obviously, some lifestyle changes such as working out and semen retention can also help, but the eKegel will strengthen your pelvic floor muscles in a sure way and you should absolutely see the return of solid erections.
As for the pelvic tilt, the eKegel will help at the pelvic muscle level, but it will need to be in addition to physical therapy because the tilt is also caused by tight hip adductors and lumbar muscles.
One way to fix it is mostly by constantly correcting your sitting posture. Essentially, instead of sticking your butt deep in the chair and sitting with a very upright spine, you should try to slide your butt down toward the middle of the chair (with more weight on the tailbone), and sit with a more curved lower back. Doing the bridge exercise (both legs, one leg at a time, and holding the plank) is also super beneficial.
Using the eKegel, fixing your sitting position, and doing bridge exercises should definitely fix your ED issue for good!
The eKegel trains the pelvic floor muscles similarly to kegel exercises. Reverse kegels are about stretching and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles so the eKegel is likely not to help with that (contraction versus elongation).
Reverse kegels are the recommended course of treatment for a hypertonic pelvic floor. As we mentioned for the reverse kegel question, the eKegel is not well suited for this type of therapy. The eKegel stimulates kegel exercises, which are contractions, while reverse kegels require elongations via relaxing and stretching the pelvic floor muscles.
The eKegel is an electric muscle stimulator. Biofeedback devices are different. They monitor the contractions that you do manually whereas the eKegel does the contracting for you. Biofeedback devices are very similar to just doing kegels on your own, with the added benefit of tracking your routine.
The eKegel fundamentally changes kegel routines, plus the electrical stimulation brings increased blood flow to the area, which is an additional benefit to the strength training the contractions produce.
The eKegel will definitely add weight, length, and girth to your penis because stronger muscles will create volume and there is more blood flowing into the area. It is hard to say how much because it depends on where you are starting from. It's fair to expect up to 1/2 inch improvement in length. As for the girth, that also depends, but your erections will definitely be harder, which should increase the circumference of your penis, which could increase by up to 1/2 inch as well.
Yes, absolutely. We offer a full 30-day moneyback guarantee. We will issue you a full refund if for any reason you are not satisfied with the eKegel during that trial period. We just ask that you send us back the eKegel using a prepaid label that we send you. The return process is completely hassle-free, and we refund you immediately upon receiving your return. Just reach out to to initiate the process.
We offer free two-day USA; standard international shipping on all eKegel orders. However, we do charge $12.94 domestically and $16.94 internationally for replacement pads only orders. However, we offer free shipping if the pads are purchased with an eKegel.
Yes, we ship all over the world except for Ireland and Germany.
We use 2-day shipping for the US and standard for international.
Every order comes with a tracking number once the package ships out (usually in the same business day or the following one).
Rest assured, this is completely normal! The intensity setting can't be increased if the pads are not connected to the skin. This is a safety feature to prevent you from applying pads that are active. The idea is to increase the intensity after the pads are placed on the perineum and coccyx, so that you can start from 0 and rise gradually until you get the strongest contractions without discomfort.
If you are experiencing a stinging sensation it is because of a lack of connectivity between the pads and your skin, which can be caused by a variety of factors such as dryness or irritation caused by shaving. The electrical pads are layered in gel to increase the conductivity between the pad and the skin. If the conductivity is strong the electricity enters the tissue of the body with very little resistance. If the conductivity is poor the electricity faces resistance on its way to the body and stings the skin instead.
Here are a couple of things to check to make sure the current connects from one pad to another:
- Make sure the perineum or coccyx pads are not laying on too much hair. If necessary, you may need to trim or shave the area so that the pads can make good contact with the skin.
- Make sure the pads are moist enough. That's why it is important to stick the pads back on the pad carrier after each use so that the surface is the least exposed to air and dust. You can apply a wet cloth to the pads to clean and moisten them. If the pads are just too dry, use new ones.
- Make sure the pads are laid flush on flat skin. The coccyx pad is fairly easy given how flat the area is. The perineum pad may require some manipulation to get it completely flat against the skin. You could squat a bit and lift your scrotum to apply the perineum pad on flat skin.
- Make sure the pads are not too far apart. Keep the perineum pad close but not on the anus (about 1/4+ inch away), and the coccyx pad should be toward the end of your tailbone.
- Try setting the pulse width to 10 and setting the wave to square type before ramping up the intensity. That will provide the deepest waveform.
- You can also push down with your finger on the perineum pad to get it closer to your muscles but that's usually not needed at all.
This list should fix the issue. Using the eKegel should not be uncomfortable at all. You will have some tingling sensations as you ramp up the intensity setting, but after 50% intensity, you should definitely just be getting muscle contractions. You will feel them, and each contraction will feel the same.
Kegel exercises for men PDF
The pelvis is this bowl-like bone structure located on top of your legs, where your hips are. The pelvis holds the reproductive organs, and a trampoline-like web of muscles make the floor, thus the term pelvic floor muscles.
An erection begins with sensory and mental stimulation. During sexual arousal, nerve messages begin to stimulate the penis. Impulses from the brain and local nerves cause the muscles of the corpora cavernosa to relax, allowing blood to flow in and fill the open spaces. The blood creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand and creating an erection.
The erection is maintained by contraction of the ischiocavernosus muscle, which compresses the penis against the ischium (the curved bone forming the base of each half of the pelvis), obstructing the blood flow through the dorsal veins.
As such, weak pelvic floor muscles make it hard to get and maintain an erection.
Also, ejaculation is caused by involuntary contractions of the bulbospongiosus muscle. As such, with a weak pelvic floor, you don’t have the necessary muscular control to prevent the involuntary muscle spasms and resulting ejaculation.
In conclusion, weak pelvic floor muscles usually result in both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
Kegel exercises refer to the voluntary squeezing of the pelvic floor muscles as non-surgical treatment for muscle weakness and/or laxity. Kegel exercises were invented by Dr. Arnold Henry Kegel (February 21, 1894 – March 1, 1972), an American gynecologist who noted that women’s pelvic floor muscles were weakened by childbirth. When these muscles are weakened, women may experience urinary incontinence (urine leaks), loss of sensation in the vagina, and even vaginal prolapse.
The basic instruction is to essentially contract your pelvic floor muscles. However, if you’ve never done kegels, chances are that you’ve never even really focused on those muscles and so you can’t really feel them. So how do you learn what it feels to contract your pelvic floor muscles?
A lot of guidance on the internet speaks about imagining that you are stopping to urinate mid-stream. The muscles that you use to stop peeing are the same that you use to hold your pee when you really have to go. That’s a good place to start, but there are other areas to focus on as well since there are several pelvic floor muscles.
So what else? Another one we really like here at Kegel Hard is to imagine that you really have to defecate but can’t go now. Essentially, that holding in is the sensation you want to focus on to activate your pelvic floor muscles. Stopping the pee works out the front, stopping the poo works out the back.
You can also try raising your scrotum (balls), sucking in the balls into your stomach, or lifting your penis up and trying to make it hard.
Yes! Medical studies prove it:
- Pelvic floor exercises for erectile dysfunction, Sexual Medicine, April 2005 – Results: After 6 months, blind assessment showed that 40% of men had regained normal erectile function, 35.5% improved but 24.5% failed to.
- Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation for patients with lifelong premature ejaculation: a novel therapeutic approach, Sage Journals, February 2014 – Results: At the end of the treatment, 33 (82.5%) of the 40 patients gained control of their ejaculatory reflex, 13 out of the 33 (39%) were evaluated 6 after, and they maintained a significant IELT (112.6s) compared with their initial IELT (mean 39.8s).